Child Care Assistance (CCA) is available to the children of income-eligible parents.  You may be eligible if you are absent for a portion of the day due to employment or participation in academic or vocational training or PROMISE JOBS activities.  Assistance may also be available for a limited period of time to the children of a parent looking for employment.

Complete a Child Care Assistance Application

The Child Care Client Portal has information for families on how to qualify and how to apply for Child Care Assistance. You can apply online or print off an application from the Child Care Client Portal.

To apply through the portal, you must first create a portal account.  Select “Create an Account” then follow the instructions to finish creating your portal account.

Once you have created an account, you will be able to sign-in to the Child Care Client Portal, select the “Child Care Assistance Application” box.

 Select the “New” box at the bottom left of the page to start filling out your Child Care Assistance application.

Print the Child Care Assistance Application

Or you can stop by your local HHS office to pick up a Child Care Assistance application.


Print the Child Care Assistance application, complete and return it to your local HHS Office. 

If you have any additional Child Care Assistance questions, please contact the Child Care Assistance Unit.

Phone: 1-866-448-4605


Print the Child Care Assistance Application

Or you can stop by your local HHS office to pick up a Child Care Assistance application.


Print the Child Care Assistance application, complete and return it to your local HHS Office. 

If you have any additional Child Care Assistance questions, please contact the Child Care Assistance Unit.

Phone: 1-866-448-4605
