Search for sex offenders and sign up to receive notifications about registered sex offenders. You get notices by email, phone, or text message within 60 minutes of changes to the registrants information.

Search Registry

You can search the registry by Last Name, First Name, or Zip Code.  You can see a photo of the registrant, address, physical description, and information on the conviction(s).  

You can view the information on a map.  

You can learn about who is required to register, what offenders visiting from other states must do, how long an offer has to register, and more facts about restrictions.


Search Registry

You can search the registry by Last Name, First Name, or Zip Code.  You can see a photo of the registrant, address, physical description, and information on the conviction(s).  

You can view the information on a map.  

You can learn about who is required to register, what offenders visiting from other states must do, how long an offer has to register, and more facts about restrictions.

Receive Notices

To receive notifications, you will need to set up an account or already be registered with Enterprise A&A. Creating an account will allow you to access over 250 state agency services. If you have signed in to any of these agency services, you already have an account 

Sign in to an existing Enterprise A&A account. 

Recover Enterprise A&A Account if you aren’t sure if you have an account, or you have forgotten your login. 

To unsubscribe or temporarily disable notifications, go to the My Account tab after you sign in, and make your adjustments. 


Receive Notices

To receive notifications, you will need to set up an account or already be registered with Enterprise A&A. Creating an account will allow you to access over 250 state agency services. If you have signed in to any of these agency services, you already have an account 

Sign in to an existing Enterprise A&A account. 

Recover Enterprise A&A Account if you aren’t sure if you have an account, or you have forgotten your login. 

To unsubscribe or temporarily disable notifications, go to the My Account tab after you sign in, and make your adjustments. 

Related Agency - DPS / Sex Offender Registry

Address: 215 E 7th St., Des Moines, IA 50319

Phone: (515) 725-6050 


Related Agency - DPS / Sex Offender Registry

Address: 215 E 7th St., Des Moines, IA 50319

Phone: (515) 725-6050