Welcome to Iowa

Whether you’re an Iowa resident or are interested in learning more about what our state has to offer, Iowa.gov is your hub for information about business regulations, government, citizen health, education, transparency, and more.

We proudly advocate for accessible energy, the education of our children, business development, and job training to give Iowans a chance at the best quality of life possible.

Iowa Quick Facts

Statehood: December 28, 1846

Population rank: 32nd among the 50 states

Population (2020): 3,190,369 (1)
Population (2010): 3,046,355 (1)

Land area: 55,857.1 square miles (1)

Acres in farmland (2012): 30,622,731 (47848.02 square miles) (3)

Population density (2010): 54.5 people per square mile (1)

Capitol city: Des Moines founded September 22, 1851 as Fort Des Moines and shortened to Des Moines in 1857. It was named for the Des Moines River.

Top industries (2018): Manufacturing, Finance and Insurance, Government, Real estate rental and leasing (2)

Top exports (2018): Corn, Tractors and Soybeans (1)

Primary language: English


1) U.S. Census Bureau

2) U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

3) U.S.D.A., National Agricultural Statistics Service